Nantahala Weather in September

September is reliably clear and the driest month in Nantahala. The first gentle frost tends to arrive by late September, triggering the first pops of color. But the temperature remains pleasantly warm: highs in the mid-70s, lows in the mid-50s. The lake water is still comfortable enough for swimming. Vibrantly colored fallen leaves embellish the venue ground. Hydrangeas turn rose colored.

Ashley and Luis’ September 2022 NC Mountain Romantic Destination Wedding on Lake Nantahala

From their home in South Florida, Ashley and Luis began their online search for a venue. When they found Nantahala Weddings, they fell in love through photos and immediately booked their September wedding in Nantahala without ever visiting the venue. Ashley wrote: “This place was everything I could have envisioned and MORE… Our day could have not been more perfect and this was the absolute most perfect place to host our wedding. We wish we could relive this day every day!”

Photography: Hunter Kittrell Photography