Kayla and Chadwick

Kayla and Chad’s story (in Kayla’s own words):

If you don’t know our story, then buckle up.

I started attending Western Carolina University.  Shortly after, I was VERY homesick, ready to quit school and come home.  One of my teachers from Swansboro High encouraged me to reach out to her Aunt Martha.

After putting it off for a few weeks, upon my numerous “I already took my bra off for the night” statements. She would not take no for an answer any longer.

She made a phone call and said that Aunt Martha was going to send someone to pick me up.  That person was Chad.  Chad was instructed not to come inside to get me.  He had to stay in the truck and was supposed to drive me straight there and straight back.

When I got in the truck, staring back at me was a long-haired, sleepy, sasquatchy looking man.  He drove us to Aunt Martha’s, his grandparent’s house. Waiting at the house was a sweet elderly lady with welcoming arms ready to feed me a home cooked meal.

A few days later, Chad was texting me and wanted to hang out.  After a month of excuses, I agreed.  He showed me the town and some of our now favorite places, including where he eventually proposed to me.

I would never have thought we would be where we are today. We have jobs we love, are homeowners, and are parents to the best furbaby on earth.

Without a doubt, I would not want to do this thing called life with anyone else.


Wedding addendum:

Right before Kayla and Chad’s wedding on Wayah Bald, Kayla’s mother said this to the groomsman: “When I say, ‘The eagle has flown,’ that means Kayla is on her way.” As soon as Kayla arrived at the tower, an actual bald eagle circled the guests. Clearly a good omen!

The Eagle as Spirit Animal

When this graceful hunter comes into your life, it’s time to look inward with a careful eye. Allow your heart to guide you, and opportunities you never dreamed were possible will present themselves when you least expect it. Eagles have feet with four toes. Four is a symbol for having a solid foundation and being grounded. Those who are guided by the Eagle spirit animal are grounded. Even though the Eagle can soar to great heights, they are still strongly connected to the earth. Among being grounded and connected to the earth, those guided by the Eagle are also resilient and in complete harmony with the spiritual aspects of their lives. Unafraid of the unknown, these seekers accept life’s challenges with unshakable courage, determination and confidence.